Bartlesville Water Restrictions End After Heavy Rain In Oklahoma And Kansas

Bartlesville Water Restrictions End After Heavy Rain In Oklahoma And Kansas

Stage 3 Of Water Restrictions Still In Effect For Bartlesville

Stage 3 Of Water Restrictions Still In Effect For Bartlesville

City Of Bartlesville Running Low On Water, Asking Residents To Help

City Of Bartlesville Running Low On Water, Asking Residents To Help

City Of Bartlesville Asks Residents To Conserve Water As Lake Level Continues To Drop

City Of Bartlesville Asks Residents To Conserve Water As Lake Level Continues To Drop

City Of Bartlesville In Stage 2 Of Water Conservation Efforts

City Of Bartlesville In Stage 2 Of Water Conservation Efforts

Boil Order Reissued For NE Osage County Rural Water District

Boil Order Reissued For NE Osage County Rural Water District

Linking Hulah and Copan lakes

Linking Hulah and Copan lakes

Bartlesville to consider alternate drinking water source

Bartlesville to consider alternate drinking water source

Using water wisely

Using water wisely

End of a drought for Bartlesville

End of a drought for Bartlesville

Rain eases Bartlesville's drought

Rain eases Bartlesville's drought

Rain helpful in Bartlesville, but not enough

Rain helpful in Bartlesville, but not enough

Bartlesville residents thankful for rain, want more

Bartlesville residents thankful for rain, want more

Conserving water in Bartlesville

Conserving water in Bartlesville

Bartlesville experiencing a water shortage

Bartlesville experiencing a water shortage